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Mountain and City

July 2017

ink, Intaglio: etching



山看到城中的繁華,隨處可見的喉管連接著各家各戶,他們互相纏擾,既複雜又不安;城看到山更為恆久, 亦更難改寫或消滅,但卻脆弱。 山、城兩者的對話,似乎包含著更多的矛盾。

When mountain see the hustle and bustle of city, there are water pipe everywhere. Each of them seem linking up different houses and shown the anxiety of the town. City thinks that Mountain is more permanent and inerasable. Yet, it is comparatively more fragile. The dialogue between city and mountain contain more contradiction than you can imagine.

(Shown in Exhibition "Crashing Printing".)

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